
as at 01 March 2025
the image identifies any item added during February 2025

Abels, R.,
Armies, war and society in the West, ca.300-ca.600: Late Roman and barbarian military organizations and the 'Fall of the Roman empire':, 2021 (pdf) -----{Teaching document}

Akerraz, A.,
Le système de défense romain en Maurétanie tingitane: in: Van Enckevort, H., Driessen, M., Graafstal, E., Hazenberg,T., Ivleva, T. & Van Driel-Murray, C. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 25, Nijmegen 2022 (4 vols., Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2024), vol.1, pp.279-285.

Albani, J.P.,
On early Byzantine images of Poleis - meanings and messages: in Bakirtzis, N. & Zavagno, L. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Byzantine City. From Justinian to Mehmet II (ca. 500 - ca.1500).. (1st edn.) (London, Routledge, 2024), Chp.19.

Arce Martínez, J.,
Insignia dominationis. Símbolos de poder y rango del emperador romano en la Antigüedad tardía. (Madrid, Marcial Pons, Ediciones de Historia, 2022).

Bachrach, B.S.,
Transition from Roman to Merovingian warfare. The long fifth century: in Kaushik, R, & Charney, M.W. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of the global history of warfare. (1st edn.) (London, Routledge, 2024), pp.97-109.

Bartunek, J.,
Vývoj vztahu mezi magistri militum a císarem (PhD thesis, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav klasických studií, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 2021). {in Czech, with English summary}

Bellocchi, S., Carminati, F. & Mariani, A.,
La distribuzione degli opifici di Stato nella Notitia Dignitatum. La fabrica L[e]ucensis Spatharia: Latomus 81 2022 pp.19-86.

Bendle, C.S.,
The office of "Magister Militum" in the 4th Century CE. A study into the impact of political and military leadership on the Later Roman Empire. (Studies in Ancient Monarchies, vol.10) (Stuttgart, Steiner,2024).

Berardino, D.,
Barbarians at the (Open) gates and the missing Roman army: exploring gaps in the conventional explanation of Roman lack of response to the Rhine crossing of 405/6: Yale Historical Review XII, (Feb.9) 2021 (42 pp.).

Blockley, J.,
The colonate in Africa. A legal and economic history of coloni in late antique Africa. (PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sydney University, 2021).

Boeck, E.N.,
The bronze horseman of Justinian in Constantinople: the cross-cultural biography of a Mediterranean monument. (Cambridge, University Press, 2021).

Bono, F,
La notice de l'empire est si connu que: riscoprendo uno studio di Louis Gabriel Comte du Buat-Nançay: Iuris antiqui historia: an International Journal of Ancient Law 13 2021 pp.155-166.

Breeze, D.J., Wilmott, T., Vanhoutte, S. & Bridgland, R. (eds.),
The Saxon Shore and the maritime coast - Le Litus Saxonicum et la côte maritime. (Frontiers of the Roman empire - Frontières de l´empire Romain) (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2022).

Brichant, Y.,
Het begin van de magister militum. Constantius II's beleid omtrent de magister equitum et peditum. (MA thesis, Faculteit Letteren en Wusbegeerte, Universiteit Gent, 2021).

Bromhead, E.N. & Ibsen, M-L.,
The geotechnical setting of the forts of the Saxon Shore in SE England: a record lasting nearly 2 millennia: in Lancellotta, R., Viggiani, C., Flora, A., De Silva, F. & Mele, L. (eds.), Geotechnical engineering for the preservation of monuments and historical sites, III (London, CRC Press, 2022) pp.509-520. -----{Open Access}

Brulet, R.,
L’abandon des frontières dans le nord-ouest de la Gaule: le rôle des Francs: in: Van Enckevort, H., Driessen, M., Graafstal, E., Hazenberg,T., Ivleva, T. & Van Driel-Murray, C. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 25, Nijmegen 2022. (4 vols., Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2024), vol.2, pp.343-349.

Campbell-Moffat, T.,
The value of 476: charting the end of the Western Roman state. (Ph.D. thesis, University College London, 2023).

Canduci, A.,
The Roman withdrawal from Britain - 410 or 435?. A fresh prespective: Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology (Institute of Archaeology and Art History of the Romanian Academy Cluj-Napoca) vol.9 no.3 2022 pp.17-26.

Cañizar Palacios, J.L.,
Nullum penitus honoratorum publica salutatione sine chlamydis indumento vicariam potestatem adire oportet (CTH.1.15.16): Apuntes sobre el vicarius hispaniarum y sus funciones: in Lorenzi, C. & Navarra, M. (eds.), Atti dell' Accademia romanistica costantiniana XXIV (Militia inermis e militia armata. Apparati civili e militari nella tarda antichità in onore di Maria Campolunghi) 2021 pp.451-473.

Clemente, G.,
La Notitia Dignitatum e altri saggi di tarda antichità (a cura di Marco Maiuro e Mattia Lanciotti) (Pragmateiai - Collana di studi e testi per la storia economica, sociale e amministrativa del mondo antico 33) (Bari, Edipuglia, 2022).

Croke, B.,
Roman emperors in context: Theodosius to Justinian. (Variorum Collected Studies CS 2000) (Abingdon, Routledge, 2021).

Cronshaw, R.,
The curious case of the praefectus legionis sextae. Examining a mysteriously vague command listed in the roster for the Roman army in Britain during the late 4th century AD: Magister (2022) (text)

Deac, D.,
Macedonias and other toponyms from the Panopolite Nome: Pylon (Heidelberg: Propylaeum) 6 2024, Article 5.

Dimitrijevic, M. & Whitehouse, J.,
The Notitia dignitatum, textile manufacturing, wool production and sheep grazing during the Roman empire in Pannonia secunda, near Sirmium: Journal of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb - Vjesnik Arheoloskog Muzeja u Zagrebu (VAMZ) 55 2022 pp.115-132.

Dodd, J.,
Villa complexes in the late antique West: Case studies of transformation, regionalisation and migration 250-650 AD. (PhD thesis, Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2021).

Dolezal, S.,
The battle of the Frigidus from a military and political perspective: Graeco-Latina Brunensia (Masaryk University) 29 2024 pp.5-29.

Drakoulis, D.P.,
The representation of Constantinople in the Ms. Canonici Miscellaneous 378 of the Bodleian Library (1436): in Drakoulis, D.P. & Androudis, P. (eds.), Ekphrasis. Studies in honour of Professor Vasilis Katsaros (Thessaloniki, 2022), pp.357-384.{in Greek, with an English summary}

Drinkwater, J.F.,
The 'Saxon Shore' reconsidered: Britannia 54 2023 pp.275-303.

Emion, M.,
Les protectores Augusti (iiie-VIe s.p.C.) (Scripta Antiqua 167) 2 vols. (Pessac, Ausonius, 2023).

Fields, N.,
The battle of the Frigidus River, AD 394. Theodosius' Miracle. (Barnsley, Pen & Sword Military, 2024).

Fitzpatrick-Matthews, K.J.,
Britannia in the Ravenna Cosmography: a reassessment. (n.p., revised 2022). -----{Appendix 3: the Notitia Dignitatum}

Flügel, C. & Breeze, D.J.,
Drawing the line: a military surveyor on Hadrian's Wall?: Bericht der Bayerischen Bodendenkmalpflege 62 2021 pp.155-170.
-----{an adapted version of this article is:}
Breeze, D.J. & Flügel, C.,
A military surveyor's souvenir? The Ilam pan: Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, ser.3, 21 2021 pp.43-62.
-----{this "Ilam pan" is elsewhere referred to as the "Staffordshire pan" or the "Moorlands pan" or "patera"}

Gargano, I. & Moreau, D.,
The topography, settlements and roads of Dacia Ripensis. A comparison betwen the Tabula Peutingeriana and other sources: in Castiglia, G. & Dell’Osso, C. (eds.), Topographia Christiana uniuersi mundi. Studi in onore di Philippe Pergola (Studi delle Antichità cristiane, 71) (Vatican City, PIAC, 2023), pp. 607-627.

González Salinero, R.,
Military service and the integration of Jews into the Roman empire (The Brill Reference Library of Judaism 72) (Leiden, Brill, 2022): Appendix 3: A critical rereading of the inscription of Flavia Optata found in Concordia, pp.153-160.

Heimerl, F.,
Apud limitem latina iura ceciderunt. Processes of continuity and collapse on the middle Rhine frontier and its hinterland in late antiquity: in Van Enckevort, H., Driessen, M., Graafstal, E., Hazenberg,T., Ivleva, T. & Van Driel-Murray, C. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 25, Nijmegen 2022. (4 vols., Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2024), vol.2, pp.357-364.

Heising, A.,
Der spätantike Mainzer Dukat an Mittel- und Oberrhein: Quelle, Aufgaben und Strukturen: in Brather, S. (ed.), Die Dukate des Merowingerreiches. Archäologie und Geschichte in vergleichender Perspektive. (Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde - Ergänzungsbände, Bd.139) (Berlin, De Gruyter, 2023), pp.65-102.

Hoss, S.,
Christian symbols on the weapons and equipment of Roman soldiers: in Korac, M., Golubovic, S. & Mrdic, N.(eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 24, Belgrade, Serbia 2018, (Institut of Archaeology, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023), pp.713-727.

Jackson, R. (Sir),
The Roman occupation of Britain and its legacy. (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021).

Janniard, S.,
Les scholes palatines: in Wolff, C. & Faure, P. (eds.), Corps du chef et gardes du corps dans l'armée romaine. Actes du septième congrès de Lyon sur l'armée romain (25-27 octobre 2018). (Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur l'Occident Romain), (Paris, De Boccard, 2021), pp.497-520.

Janniard, S.,
Les auxilia palatina et leur emploi au combat au IVe siècle de N.E.: Heródoto - Revista do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre a Antiguidade Clássica e suas conexões Afro-asiáticas (Guarilhos, Brasil) 6 2021 pp.77-89.

Kaldellis, A. & Kruse, M.,
The field armies of the East Roman empire, 361-630. (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

Kovács, P.,
Amissio Illyrici. The ‘Loss of Illyricum’ in the Fifth Century: in Eck, W., Santangelo, F. & Vössing, K. (eds.), Emperor, army, and society: Studies in Roman imperial history for Anthony R. Birley. (Antiquitas, Reihe 1: Abhandlungen zur Alten Geschichte, Bd.77.) (Bonn: Habelt, 2022) pp.329-343.

Kovács, P.,
Recent research on Roman Pannonia and Pavel Oliva: Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 75 2024 pp.97-105.

Kucera, P.N.,
The borderlands of Egypt’s Western Desert in late antiquity: in: Van Enckevort, H., Driessen, M., Graafstal, E., Hazenberg,T., Ivleva, T. & Van Driel-Murray, C. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 25, Nijmegen 2022. (4 vols., Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2024), vol.2, pp.375-382.

Lenski, N.,
New paths to power: the bipartite division of Italy and its realignment of society and economy in the sixth century: in Wijnendaele, J.W.P. (ed.), Late Roman Italy. Imperium to regnum. (Edinburgh, University Press, 2023), pp.35-66.

Leszka, M.J. & Wierzbinski, S.,
Strategoí: early Byzantine military commanders in the times of Zeno and Anastasius (474-518). (Byzantina Lódziensia 50) (Lódz-Kraków, Lódz University Press, 2024).

Mackensen, M.,
Observations and results on recent excavations and surveys of late Roman military fortifications in the province of Tripolitana: Libya Antiqua (Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Libya) n.s. 14 2021 pp.111-145.

Mackensen, M.,
Military fortifications in the frontier zone of Tripolitania (Limes Tripolitanus) from the mid-imperial to late antiquity: in Mugnai, N. (ed.), Tripolitania in the Roman Empire and Beyond. (British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies Open Access Monograph 4) (London, BILNAS, 2024), pp.115-141.

Marculet, V.,
Considerations regarding the defense components of the lower Danube limes at the end of the 4th century and the beginning of the 5th century. The land forces recorded by Notitia Dignitatum: Tyragetia (Serie Noua) 17 2023 pp.295-305 {in Romanian, with an English summary}

Marotta, V.,
Militia and civitas betwen the third and sixth century CE: in Loschiavo, L. (ed.), The civilian legacy of the Roman army. Military models in the post-Roman world. (History of warfare vol.144) (Brill, Leiden, 2024), pp.159-194.

McEvoy, M.,
Sharing the imperial limelight: the age of the magister militum: in Davenport, C. & McEvoy, M. (eds.) The Roman imperial court in the principate and late antiquity. (Oxford, University Press, 2023).

Mekhamadiev, E.A.,
The late Roman troops of limitanei and military organization of province of Minor Armenia at the beginning of the IV.C.: Materialy po Arheologii i Istorii Anticnogo i Srednevekovogo Kryma (Materials in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Crimea), 8 2016 pp.393-407.

Melville-Jones, J.,
The names of Roman coins: Journal of the Numismatic Association of Australia 31 2021-2022 pp.176-214.

Mitford, T.B.,
Discovering Rome's eastern frontier. On foot through a vanished world. (Oxford, University Press, 2021).

Mitthof, F.,
Daci und Sextodalmatae: Neue Evidenz zu zwei spätantiken Militäreinheiten: in Horster, M., Pelcer-Vujacic, O. & Ferjancic, S. (eds), Studia epigraphica et militaria - vol.8: In memoriam Miroslava Mirkovic (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum - Series Nova) (Berlin, De Gruyter, 2024).

Moreau, D.,
La préfecture du prétoire d’Illyricum: origine, établissement et destinée: in Porena, P. & Huck, O. (eds.), La Préfecture du Prétoire tardo-antique et ses titulaires (IVe-VIe siècle). (Munera: Sudi storici sulla Tarda Antichità, diretti da Domenico Vera e Pierfrancesco Porena 54), (Bari, Edipuglia, 2023), pp.135-193.

Moreau, D.,
The Limes Moesiae / Mysiae / Mysiacus and the Limes Scythiae / Scythicus according to the written sources: in Van Enckevort, H., Driessen, M., Graafstal, E., Hazenberg,T., Ivleva, T. & Van Driel-Murray, C. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 25, Nijmegen 2022. (4 vols., Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2024), vol.2, pp.447-453.

Olszaniec, S.,
Praetorian prefect of Italy and Africa in the system of power of the late Roman empire: in Porena, P. & Huck, O. (eds.), La Préfecture du Prétoire tardo-antique et ses titulaires (IVe-VIe siècle). (Munera: Sudi storici sulla Tarda Antichità, diretti da Domenico Vera e Pierfrancesco Porena 54), (Bari, Edipuglia, 2023), pp.87-116.

Pietrini, S.,
La legislazione di Zenone (474-491). (History, Law & Legal history-11) Palermo University Press, 2023).

Pigonski, L.,
The shields of empire. Eastern Roman military elites during the reigns of the emperors Theodosius II, Marcian and Leo I. (Byzantina Lódziensia 47) (Lódz-Kraków, Lódz University Press, 2023).

Poly, J-P.,
Se dépouiller du vieil homme. Identités barbares dans l'empire romain tardif: in Booker, C.M., Hummer, H. & Polanichka, D.M. (eds.), Visions of medieval history in North America and Europe: Studies on cultural identity and power (Cursor Mundi 41) (Turnhout, Brepols, 2022), pp.31-62.

Poly, J-P.,
Laeti and Gentiles: military Germanic settlements in Roman Gaul: in Loschiavo, L. (ed.), The civilian legacy of the Roman army. Military models in the post-Roman world. (History of warfare vol.144) (Brill, Leiden, 2024), pp.383-412.

Porena, P.,
A collector of prefectures. The inexorable rise of Sextus Petronius Probus. (STUSMA - Studi sul Mondo Antico- 20) (Milano, Mondadori Education, 2023).

Porena, P.,
Le metamorfosi della Notitia Dignitatum: Occidente / Oriente : rivista internazionale di studi tardoantichi 4, 2023, pp. 217-236.

Porena, P.,
Prefetture regionali, prefetture ministeriali: in Porena, P. & Huck, O. (eds.), La Préfecture du Prétoire tardo-antique et ses titulaires (IVe-VIe siècle). (Munera: Sudi storici sulla Tarda Antichità, diretti da Domenico Vera e Pierfrancesco Porena 54), (Bari, Edipuglia, 2023), pp.19-86.

Preud'homme, N.J.,
Lexique du monde Romain. (, San Francisco, 2021), ----{Notitia dignitatum p.201}

Ramsey, G.,
Barbarization: change or continuity in the late Roman empire?: (MA thesis, University of Calgary, Alberta 2022).

Rance, P.,
Armed forces in late Roman Italy: in Wijnendaele, J.W.P. (ed.), Late Roman Italy. Imperium to regnum. (Edinburgh, University Press, 2023), pp.153-198.

Rathbone, Y. & Rathbone, D.W.,
Literary sources for Roman Britain. Fifth edition. (LACTOR Sourcebooks in Ancient History 11) (Cambridge U.P. on behalf of the London Association of Classical Teachers, 2023). {Notitia dignitatum pp.86-88}

Refi Oszko, D. R.,
A Notitia Dignitatum képi anyagának vallástudományi vonatkozásai a késö római uralkodókultusz kontextusában {The Notitia Dignitatum as a potential source of the late Roman cult of the emperor.}: Vallástudományi Szemle {Hungarian Journal of Religious Studies} 2021 pp.47-68. -----{in Hungarian, with English summary}

Riedlberger, P.,
Review of: Lemcke, L., Bridging center and periphery: administrative communication from Constantine to Justinian. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2020): Plekos (Universität München) 23 2021 pp.349-365.

Ruiz Sánchez, A.
De cuerpos militares de élite a tropas de ornamentación ceremonial. Una aproximación crítica a las Scholae Palatinae: Antigüedad y Cristianismo 39 2022 pp.41-61.

Rummel, C.,
When's a fleet a fleet? Classes and legions on the water: in: Van Enckevort, H., Driessen, M., Graafstal, E., Hazenberg,T., Ivleva, T. & Van Driel-Murray, C. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 25, Nijmegen 2022. (4 vols., Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2024), vol.4, pp.117-124.

Schmidt, J.,
The frontier zone at the First Cataract before the time of the Muslim conquest (Fifth to seventh centuries): in Bruning, J., de Jong, J.H.M. & Sijpesteijn, P.M. (eds.), Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean world. From Constantinople to Baghdad 500-1000CE. (Cambridge, University Press, 2022), pp.73-102.

Setién García, C.,
Emperor Honorius' letter to the army in Hispania: historical and philological notes on the Epistula Honorii: Gladius (Estudios sobre armas antiguas, arte militar y vida cultural en oriente y occidente) 43 2023 pp.69-84.

Silverio, E.,
Sul personale della praefectura urbis tardoantica: a proposito dei contubernales di Coll. Avell.16: (Nuova) Antologia militare: Rivista interdisciplinare della Società Italiana di storia militare 3 2022 pp.471-494.

Slootjes, D.,
Managing the empire while securing the throne: Theodosius I and the administrative structures of his empire: in Garciá Ruiz, M.P. & Quiroga Puertas, A.J. (eds.), Emperors and emperorship in late antiquity. Images and narratives. (Impact of empire v.40) (Leiden, Brill, 2021), pp.218-233.

Slootjes, D.,
Administering late Roman Italy: geographical changes and the appearance of governors: in Wijnendaele, J.W.P. (ed.), Late Roman Italy. Imperium to regnum. (Edinburgh, University Press, 2023), pp.111-129.

The Roman armies in the Near East: in Kaizer, T. (ed.), A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East (1st.edn.), (Hoboken, N.J., Wiley, 2022), Chp.29, pp.337-349.

Sullivan, T.,
The Roman emperors of Britain. (Barnsley, Pen & Sword Books, 2024).

Szabó Á.,
Some remarks on the tribunus cohortis assignment of the inner military establishments [Not.Dig.Occ. XXXIII. 59-64] in Valeria ripensis): in Piso, I. & Forisek, P. (eds.), Defending the polis - defending the empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and inscriptions. (Studia Epigraphica Pannonica, Supplementum 1) (Budapest, 2022) pp.159-170.

Tavares, W.J.B.,
A questão da innovatio nos manuais militares Romanos tardo-antigos: Relendo o compêndio Da arte militar de Vegécio e a obra Sobre os assuntos militares (Séc. IV d.C.). (Doctoral thesis, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil, Nov.2021).

Torbatov, S., (transl. Darvenova, T.K.)
The unknown Roman limes in Bulgaria. Part 1: Between the Vit and the Osam rivers. (Veliko Tarnovo-Bulgaria, Faber, 2021).

Trisciuoglio, A.,
Hospitalitas I: The munus hospitalitatis and its limits: in Loschiavo, L. (ed.), The civilian legacy of the Roman army. Military models in the post-Roman world. (History of warfare vol.144) (Brill, Leiden, 2024), pp.31-54.

Turney, S.,
The Roman auxiliary units of Britain. (Barnsley, Pen & Sword Military, 2024).

Veradi, A.A.,
The cingulum militiae in the early Middle Ages: between status and function: in Loschiavo, L. (ed.), The civilian legacy of the Roman army. Military models in the post-Roman world. (History of warfare vol.144) (Brill, Leiden, 2024), pp.268-298.

Vescia, G.,
Il controllo del limes renano tra la tetrarchia e Giuliano: le fortificazioni e la flotta: Arma virumque. Rivista universitaria torinese di Storia Militare 3, Novembre 2021, pp.34-50.

Vescia, G.,
Da Carausio a Giuliano. La Classis Britannica tra III e IV secolo d.C.: Nuova Antologia Militare (Rivista interdisciplinare della Società Italiana di Storia militare) 4 2023 (Fasc.14, Marzo 2023: Storia militare antica, edd. Marco Bettalli & Elena Franchi), pp.209-238.

Wagner, H.A.,
Das spätrömische Rom und die stadtrömische Senatsaristokratie (395-455 n.Chr.). Eine althistorisch-archäologische Untersuchung. (Brandes, W. (et al., eds.), Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n.Chr. vol.91 (Berlin, De Gruyter, 2021).

Whately, C.,
Procopius on soldiers and military institutions in the sixth-century Roman empire. (History of warfare vol.134), (Leiden, Brill, 2021).

Whately, C.,
Ammianus' identification of named legions and its literary significance: in Hanaghan, M. & Woods, D. (eds.), Ammianus Marcellinus from soldier to author (Historiography of Rome and its empire 16) (Leiden, Brill, 2022), pp.140-169.

Wiewiorowski, J.,
The insigne of dux Scythiae: in Balbuza, K. (et al. eds.), Antiquitas aeterna: Classical studies dedicated to Leszek Mrozewicz on his 70th birthday. Philippika No 153 (Wiesbaden, Harrassotitz, 2021), pp. 481-495.

Wiewiorowski, J.,
Kolumny w insygniach 'Notitia dignitatum'?: Zeszyty Prawnicze, Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego w Warszawie 22 2022, pp.203-239. {Polish with English summary}

Wiewiorowski, J.,
The insigne of the proconsul of Africa. Maritime shipping depictions in the Notitia Dignitatum: Convivium: Exchanges and interactions in the arts of medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterranean (Brno) 9/2 2022, pp.14-25.

Wiewiorowski, J.,
Legislation in the light of the insignia of quaestor sacri palatii: in Górecki, P. & Makilla, D. (eds.), Stanowienie prawa w przeszlosci. Zbiór studiów (Warszawa, Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie, 2022), 39-59. {Polish}

Wiewiorowski, J.,
Christian symbolism in the insignia of the Notitia Dignitatum: Rida (Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité, Univ. de Liège) 3rd.Ser. 70 2023 pp.163-191.

Wijnendaele, J.W.P.,
Die Delegierung militärischer Befugnisse im Weströmischen Reich: in Stickler, T. & Roberto, U. (eds.), Das Weströmische Reich und seine Erforschung. Neue Perspektiven. (Reihe: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Forschung) (Stuttgart, Kohlhammer,2024), pp.169-185.

Wijnendaele, J.W.P. & Hanaghan, M.P.,
Constantius Heros (ILCV 66) - an elegiac testimony on the decline of the late Roman West: Chiron (München) 51 2021 pp.257-276.

Zuckerman, C.,
Les scholes d'Orient du Bas-Empire à Byzance: in Brandes, W., Reimitz, H. & Tannous, J. (eds.), Legal pluralism and Social Change in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.A Conference in Honor of John Haldon. ( Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte Volume 337) (Frankfurt, Klostermann, 2024), pp.271-298.

This page was produced by Dr Ingo G Maier (Australia)

Comments - including additions and corrections - are welcome, sent to ingomaier(at)