
as at 01 March 2025
the image identifies any item added during February 2025

Absil, M.,
L'armée romaine de Dioclétien à Valentinien I dans l'épigraphie: in Le Bohec, Y & Wolff, C. (eds.), L'armée romaine de Dioclétien à Valentinien Ier. Actes du Congrès de Lyon (12-14 septembre, 2002). (Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur l'Occident Romain), (Paris, De Boccard, 2004), pp.117-126.

Aja Sánchez,. J. R.,
Historia y arqueología de la Tardoantigüedad en Cantabria: La cohors I Celtiberorum y Iuliobriga. Un ensayo histórico sobre la Notitia Dignitatum Occidentis XLII.30. (Signifer: monografías y estudios de antigüedad griga y romana, 7) (Madrid, Signifer Libros, 2002).

Aja Sánchez,. J. R.,
Novedades en la tardoantigüedad de Cantabria: una nueva interpretació de Not. Dig. Occ. XLII, 30: Veleia: revista de prehistoria, historia antigua, arquelogía y filología clásicas 18-19 2001-2002 pp.417-427.

Alexander, J. J.G.,
Studies in Italian manuscript illumination. (London, The Pindar Press, 2002).
===IV: The illustrated manuscripts of the Notitia Dignitatum (pp.65-98);
===V: The illustrations of the Anonymus De Rebus Bellicis (pp.99-105)

Ardet, A.,
Armata Romana din Banat in secolul IV D.Chr: Studia Universitatis 'Babes-Bolyai' - Historia (Romania) 54 2009 pp.111-126.

Ast, R.,
Johannes Flavialis of the Transtigritani: in Cowey, J.M.S. & Kramer, B. (eds.), Paramone: Editionen und Aufsätze von Mitgliedern des Heidelberger Instituts für Papyrologie zwischen 1982 und 2004. (Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete, Beiheft 16) (Saur, München, 2004), pp.133-141.

Baini, V.,
Il confine Danubiano fra politica amministrativa e strategia militare in età Teodosiana: Historia (Wiesbaden) 57 2008 pp.453-487.

Bajenaru, C.,
Minor fortifications in the Balkan-Danubian area from Diocletian to Justinian. (National Museum of Romanian history. The Center for Roman military studies, 8) (Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2010).

Bartlett, J.R.,
Mapping Jordan through two millennia. (Palestine Exploration Fund Annual, Vol. X), (Leeds, Maney, 2008)

Beaucamp, J.,
Rome et Constantinople dans les chroniques universelles byzantines: in Elia, F. (ed.), Politica Retorica e Simbolismo del Primato. Roma e Costantinopoli (secoli IV - VII). Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Catania, 4 - 7 ottobre 2001). Ommagio a Rosario Soraci. (Catania: CULC 2002), pp.301-321.

Behrwald, R.,
Les régionnaires de Rome: stratigraphies d'un texte: Comptes rendus des séances de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 150, n.2 2006 pp.743-764.

Belamaric, J.,
Gynaeceum Iovense Dalmatiae - Aspalatho: in Demandt, A., Goltz, A. & Schlange-Schöningen, H. (eds.), Diokletian und die Tetrarchie. Aspekte einer Zeitenwende. (Brandes, W. (et al. eds.), Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n.Chr. vol.1) (Berlin, De Gruyter, 2004) , pp.141-162.

Benaissa, A.,
The size of the Numerus Transtigritanorum in the fifth century: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 175 2010 pp.224-226.

Bennett, J.,
The Cappadocian frontier: from the Julio-Claudians to Hadrian: in Freeman, P., Bennett, J., Fiema, T. & Hoffmann, B. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 18, Amman, Jordan, September 2000 (Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, 2002), pp.301-312. {Appendix: The upper Euphrates frontier and the Notitia Dignitatum, pp.307-308}

Bigliardi, G.
La 'Praetentura Italiae et Alpium' alla luce di nuove ricerche archeologiche: Aquileia Nostra 78 2007 coll.297-312.

Birley, A.R.,
The Roman government of Britain. (Oxford, University Press, 2005).

Bishop, M.C. & Coulston, J.C.,
Roman military equipment from the Punic wars to the fall of Rome.. (2nd. edn. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2006).

Bondoc, D.,
Artillery troops detached north of the lower Danube in the late Roman period: in Freeman, P., Bennett, J., Fiema, T. & Hoffmann, B. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 18, Amman, Jordan, September 2000. (Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, 2002), pp.641-648.

Bolognesi Recchi Franceschini, E.,
The scholae of the Master of the Offices as the palace praetorium: Anatolia Antiqua (Revue internationale d'archéologie anatolienne) 16 2008 pp.231-257.

Borhy, L.,
Notitia utraque dignitatum cum orientis tum occidentis ultra Arcadii Honoriique Caesarum tempora. (Budapest, Pytheas, 2003). {facsimile reprint of the imprint by Hieronymus Froben, Basel 1552, with coloured pictures}
{Hungarian introduction 120 pp; copy of Cnd 168 pp.}.

Borhy, L.,
ΑΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ - Griechische Inschriften in der editio princeps der Notitia dignitatum: in Mucznik, S. (ed.), 'Kalathos'. Studies in honour of Asher Ovadiah. Assaph (Section B) - Studies in Art History 10-11, 2005-2006 (Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Fine Arts) pp.3-12.

Borri, F.,
Duces e magistri militum nell'Italia esarcale (VI-VII secolo): Reti Medievali Rivista (Firenze) 6 2005/2 pp.1-46.

Boudartchouk, J-L.,
La frontière et les limites de l'Empire romain tardif: en mots et en images, à travers la Notitia Dignitatum (ca. 400-430): Archéopages (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives) 21 2008 pp.48-55.

Boudartchouk, J-L., Haruna-Czaplicki & Salmon, C.,
La 'Notice des Dignites' et le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule (Aquitanica I et II, Novempopulana, Narbonensis I): questions de chronologie: Bulletin de l'année académique 2009-2010 in Mémoires de la Société Archéologique du Midi de la France 70 2010

Bouet, A.,
La mort de Barzan et la naissance du Litus Saxonicum: in Bost, J-P., Roddaz, J-M. & Tassaux, F. (eds.), Itinéraire des saintes à Dougga. Mélanges offerts a Louis Maurin (Ausonius-Publications, Mémoires 9) (Bordeaux 2003), pp.95-113.

Brandt, H.
La provincia di Panfilio nella tarda antichità: in Bonamente, G. & Lizzi Testa, R., Istituzioni, carismi ed esercizio del potere (IV-VI secolo d.C.). Atti del convegno internazionale, Perugia, 25-27 giugno 2008. (Munera - Studi storici sulla tarda Antichità - 31) (Bari, Edipuglia, 2010), pp.91-98.

Breeze, A.,
Portus Adurni and Portchester, Hampshire: Studia Celtica 38 2004 pp.180-185.

Brenk, B.,
Due nuove creazioni del quinto secolo: Notitia Dignitatum e Vergilius Romanus: in Brenk, B., Architettura e immagini del sacro nella tarda antichità (Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'alto medioevo, Spoleto, 2005), pp.239-248 & figures 1-16.

Brennan, P. & Barlow, J.,
Tribuni scholarum palatinarum c. A.D.353-64: Ammianus Marcellinus and the Notitia Dignitatum: Classical Quarterly (Oxford) 51 2001 pp.237-254.

Brennan, P.,
Review of: Scharf, R., Der Dux Mogontiacensis und die Notitia Dignitatum. Eine Studie zur spätantiken Grenzverteidigung. (Hoops, J.(ed.), Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde; Ergänzungsbände, Bd.50) (Berlin, De Gruyter, 2005): Gnomon 85 2013 pp.85-88.

Brennan, P.,
Zosimos II.34.1 and 'The Constantinian Reform': using Johannes Lydos to expose an insidious fabrication: in Lewin, A.S. & Pellegrini, P. (eds.), The late Roman army in the Near East from Diocletian to the Arab conquest. Proceedings of a colloquium held at Potenza, Acerenza and Matera, Italy (May 2005). (Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, 2007), pp.211-218.

Bülow, G.v.,
Iatrus - spätantikes Kastell oder befestigte Zivilsiedlung am Unterdonaulimes?: in Freeman, P., Bennett, J., Fiema, T. & Hoffmann, B. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 18, Amman, Jordan, September 2000. (Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, 2002), pp.663-672.

Bülow, G.v.,
The fort of Iatrus in Moesia secunda: observations on the late Roman defensive system on the lower Danube (Fourth-Sixth centuries AD): Proceedings of the British Academy 141 2007 pp.459-478.

Burton, G.P.,
The imperial state and its impact on the role and status of local magistrates and councillors in the provinces of the empire: in De Blois, L. (ed.), Administration, prosopography and appointment policies in the Roman empire. (Proceedings of the First workshop of the International network 'Impact of Empire' (Roman empire 27 B.C. - A.D.406), Leiden, June 28 - July 1, 2000). (Amsterdan, Gieben, 2007), pp.202-214.

Carrié, J-M.,
Des Thébains en Occident? Histoire militaire et hagiographie: in Wermelinger, O., Bruggisser, P., Näf, B. & Roessli, J-M (eds.), Mauritius und die thebäische Legion. Actes du colloque international Fribourg, Saint-Maurice, Martigny, 17-20 septembre 2003 (Paradosis 49). (Fribourg, Université de Fribourg Suisse, 2005), pp.9-35.

Cascarino, G. & Sansilvestri, C.,
L'Esercito Romano - Armamento e organizzazione. Vol.3: Dal III secolo alla fine dell'Impero d'Occidente. (Rimini, Il Cerchio, 2009).
{Appendice I - La Notitia Dignitatum, pp.229-249}.

Castello, M.G.,
Tribunus et magister officiorum: cause di un'omissione in Giovanni Lido: Koinonia 34 2010 pp.162-180.

Castello, M.G.,
Evoluzione e funzioni del magister officiorum: rileggendo il De magistratibus populi Romani di Giovanni Lido: in Bonamente, G. & Lizzi Testa, R., Istituzioni, carismi ed esercizio del potere (IV-VI secolo d.C.). Atti del convegno internazionale, Perugia, 25-27 giugno 2008., (Munera - Studi storici sulla tarda Antichità - 31) (Bari, Edipuglia, 2010), pp.99-116.

Ceran, W.,
Review of: Olszaniec, S., Comites consistoriani w wieku IV. Studium prosopograficzne elity dworskiej Cesarstwa rzymskiego 320-395 n.e. (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika, Torun, 2007): Byzantinische Zeitschrift 102 2009 pp.258-261.

Charles, M.B.,
Vegetius on armour: the pedites nudati of the Epitoma rei militaris: Ancient Society 33 2003 pp.127-167.

Charles, M.B.,
Transporting the troops in late antiquity: naves onerariae, Claudian and the Gildonic war: Classical Journal 100 2004-5 pp.275-299.

Christie, N.,
War and order: urban remodelling and defensive strategy in late Roman Italy: in Lavan, L. (ed.), Recent research in late-antique urbanism. (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplementary Series No.42, 2001) pp.107-122.

Christie, N.,
From Constantine to Charlemagne: an archaeology of Italy AD 300-800. (Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006).

Chrysos, E.,
Ripa Gothica and Litus saxonicum: in Pohl, W., Wood, I. & Reimitz, H. (eds.), The transformation of frontiers: from late antiquity to the Carolingians. (Leiden, Brill, 2001), pp.69-72.

Clemente, G.,
La Notitia Dignitatum: l'immagine e la realtà: in Bonamente, G. & Lizzi Testa, R. (eds.),Istituzioni, carismi ed esercizio del potere (IV-VI secolo d.C.). Atti del convegno internazionale, Perugia, 25-27 giugno 2008., (Munera - Studi storici sulla tarda Antichità - 31) (Bari, Edipuglia, 2010), pp.117-136.

Collins, R.M.,
Hadrian's Wall and the collapse of Roman frontiers: in Morillo, A., Hanel, N. & Martín, E. (eds.), Congress of Roman frontier studies (Limes) 20, León 2006. (Madrid, CSIC, 2009), pp.181-197.

Collins, R.M.,
Decline, collapse, or transformation. Hadrian's Wall in the 4th-5th centuries AD. (PhD thesis, University of York, 2007).

Colombo, M.,
Constantinus rerum novator: dal comitatus Dioclezianeo ai palatini di Valentiniano I: Klio 90 2008 pp.124-161.

Colombo, M.,
Iovii cornuti, auxiliarii miliarenses equites e Hiberi: correzioni testuali ed esegetiche a tre epigrafi tardoantiche di militari Romani: Arctos (Helsinki) 44 2010 pp.81-98.

Coskun, A.,
Zur Verwaltungsspitze im Illyricum während der Mailänder Periode Kaiser Valentinians II (A. 383-387): Byzantion 72 2002 pp.360-389.

Coulston, J.C.N.,
Military equipment of the 'long' 4th century on Hadrian's Wall: in Collins, R. & Allason-Jones, L. (eds.), Finds from the frontier: Material culture in the 4th-5th centuries. (Council for British Archaeology Research Report 162) (CBA, Bootham, 2010), pp.50-63.

Croke, B.,
Leo and the palace guard: Byzantion 75 2005 pp.117-151.

Dando-Collins, S.,
Legions of Rome: the definitive history of every imperial Roman legion. (New York, Dunne Books, 2010).

Daris, S.,
L'esercito romano d'Egitto da Diocleziano a Valentiniano I: in Le Bohec, Y & Wolff, C. (eds.), L'armée romaine de Dioclétien à Valentinien Ier. Actes du Congrès de Lyon (12-14 septembre, 2002). (Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur l'Occident Romain), (Paris, De Boccard, 2004), pp.237-250.

De Bonfils, G.,
Commune imperium divisis tantum sedibus: i rapporti legislativi tra le partes imperii alla fine del IV secolo: in Crifò, G. & Giglio, S. (eds.), Atti dell' Accademia romanistica costantiniana, XIII convegno internazionale in memoria di André Chastagnol. (Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiana 2001), pp.107-136.

Delmaire, R.,
Les soldats de la garde impériale à l'époque théodosienne: la témoignage des sources religieuses: Antiquité tardive: revue internationale d'histoire et d'archéologie (IVe-VIIe s.) 16 2008 pp.37-42.

Di Dario, B.M.,
La Notitia Dignitatum. Immagini e simboli del Tardo Impero Romano. (Collezione 'Paganitas') (Padova, Edizioni di Ar, 2006). - {with 25 colour pictures copied from ms. Paris Latin 9661}

Dixon, K.R. & Southern, P.,
Late Roman army. (London: Yale University Press, 2009).

Dolinka, B.J.,
Be’er Shema - Birsama of the Notitia Dignitatum: a prolegomenon to the 2006 excavations: in Lewin, A.S. & Pellegrini, P. (eds.), The late Roman army in the Near East from Diocletian to the Arab conquest. Proceedings of a colloquium held at Potenza, Acerenza and Matera, Italy (May 2005). (Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, 2007), pp.111-118.

Drakoulis, D.P.,
The settlement network of the Palaia Epeiros province in the early Byzantine period: Byzantina (Thessalonike) 29 (2009) 199-229.

Drew-Bear, T.,
Gradatim cuncta decora: les officiers sortis du rang sous les successeurs de Constantin: in Le Bohec, Y & Wolff, C. (eds.), L'armée romaine de Dioclétien à Valentinien Ier. Actes du Congrès de Lyon (12-14 septembre, 2002). (Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur l'Occident Romain), (Paris, De Boccard, 2004), pp.419-429.

Drinkwater, J.F.,
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Durate Sánchez, A.D., (introd. & transl.)
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Eggers, M.,
Litus Saxonicum: in Hoops, J. (ed.), Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde (Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen) 18 (Berlin, De Gruyter) 2001 pp.522-525.

Elton, H.,
Military forces: in Sabin, P., Van Wees, H. & Whitby, M. (eds.), The Cambridge history of Greek and Roman warfare. (Cambridge, University Press, 2007), Vol.2 Chap.8 pp.270-309.

Errington, R.M.,
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Feld, K.,
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Fesser, J.,
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Feugère, M. (transl. Smith D.G.),
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Fields, N.,
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Fiema, Z.T.,
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García Moreno, L.A.,
El ejército regular y otras tropas de guarnición: in Teja, R. (ed.), La Hispania del siglo IV: administración, economía, sociedad, cristianización. (Munera. Studi storici sulla Tarda Antichità diretti da Domenico Vera, 19) (Bari, Edipuglia, 2002), pp.267-284.

Gauthier, F.,
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Gayet, F.,
Les unités auxiliaires gauloises sous le haut-empire romain: Historia 55 2006 pp.64-105.

Gencheva-Mikami, I.,
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Gilbert, F.,
Dessins des boucliers de la Notitia Dignitatum: in Alexandra, A. & Gilbert, F., Légionnaires, auxiliaires et fédérés romain. (Collection 'Histoire Vivante') (Paris, Errance, 2009).

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Goeminne, H.,
The line of defence: some reflections about the defensive strategy in Roman Gaul and the Roman empire: in Vermeulen, F., Sas, K. & Dhaeze, W. (eds.), Archaeology in confrontation. Aspects of Roman military presence in the Northwest. Studies in honour of Prof. em. Hugo Thoen. (Archaeological Reports Ghent University 2) (Ghent, Academia Press, 2004), pp.217-223.

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Gozalbes Cravioto, E.,
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Hassall, M.W.C.,
The written record and the late Roman frontier: in Collins, R. & Allason-Jones, L. (eds.), Finds from the frontier: Material culture in the 4th-5th centuries. (Council for British Archaeology Research Report 162) (CBA, Bootham, 2010), pp.17-19 & pl.4.

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This page was produced by Dr Ingo G Maier (Australia)

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