Copies of the Compilation notitia dignitatum
Primary copies

Representations of the Cnd, derived from it either directly or indirectly, are known to have been produced from 1426/7 onwards. Among the available derivatives of the Cnd there are several that are classified as primary copies: that is, copies that each did not derive its representation of the contents of the Cnd entirely from any other available copy or copies of the Cnd. These primary copies comprise the following:

C Cambridge, FitzWilliam Museum, ms. 86-1972 {previously Cheltenham, Phillipps 16397}
and facsimile copies of another six pages from the same manuscript book in
N Norwich,
Castle Museum of Art, Archaeology and Natural History, Bulwer Collection, drawings 1223.B.21; 1223.B.22; 1223.B.23 in the Colman Collection (accession no. 235 of 1951)

O Oxford, Bodleian library, western ms. 19854 - Canonici ms. misc. lat. 378, (fol.88v-170r) facsimile

P Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, latin ms. 9661, (fol.72r-146v) facsimile

F Frankfurt: fragments of a manuscript book dismembered in that town by one or more bookbinders, about 1630, including:
Ff Frankfurt am Main, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, ms. lat. qu.76, (fol.1r-1v) facsimile
Fl Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, ms. BPL 2869, (fol.1r-v, 2r-v) facsimile

T Trento, Biblioteca comunale, ms. W 3103, (fol.70v-108v),

L London, Victoria and Albert Museum, National Art Library, MSL/1957/2668 (fol.15v-102r),

A Andreas Alciatus, Dignitatum tam civilium quam militarium Imperii Occidentalis Index, (Basel, 1546), col.471-p.487 (ref)

B B imprint, by Hieronymus Froben, Notitia utraque cum Orientis tum Occidentis ultra Arcadii Honoriique Caesarum tempora, (Basel, 1552), (fol.[14]v-[96]v),
(This imprint is generally referred to as the edition of Gelenius or Sigmund Gelensky, but he cannot be shown to have done more than write the dedicatory letter and, if this imprint is referred to at all as an edition, it should be described as the edition of Rhenanus) (ref)

V Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, ms. Barberini lat. 157, (fol.91r-172v) facsimile

München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, ms. Clm. 10291: codex 1 = fol.1-170, (fol.88r-169v) facsimile
bound together with
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, ms. Clm. 10291: codex 2 = fol.171-222, (fol.178v-222v) facsimile
Supplements to, and excerpts from, copies of the Cnd

Where these primary copies no longer have all of their initial contents, either because the codices in which they exist were subsequently damaged, or because the transcripts were changed, copies of those initial contents may be available in related secondary copies (listed below). Additional evidence for the contents of the Cnd exists in the notes, correspondence and commentaries of 16thC writers and these documents also sometimes contain excerpts derived from other copies which either no longer exist or have not yet been identified.

Copies derived from primary copies

The following copies were derived, either directly or indirectly, from the primary copies listed above and are, therefore, classified as secondary copies:

Bern, Bürgerbibliothek, Arch.I.216-Bong.Hist. (ms notes by Jacques Bongars in an imprint of B).
Genève, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 118 (fol.21v-96v) facsimile
Giessen, Universitätsbibliothek, ms. 946 (miscellany: excerpts fol.50r-53v and 56r-58v).
København, Det kongelige Bibliotek, ms. gl.kgl.sam. 498 (fol.3r-91r).
Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, ms. Vossianus Lat. F. 44 (fol.3r-24r, 25v=26v) access
Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, ms. Vulcanianus 21 (fol.17r-21v).
Madrid, Biblioteca nacional, ms. Reservado 36 (fol.88v-165v) facsimile
Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, ms. R.88.sup. (fol.177r-186r).
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, ms. Clm 794 (pp. 176-339) facsimile
Napoli, Biblioteca nazionale, ms. IV.D.14 (fol.16v-92r#).
Paris, Bibliothèque national de France, ms.Latin 5825E (fol.1r-76r). facsimile
Paris, Bibliothèque national de France, ms. Latin nouv. acq.1424 (fol.91v-173r). facsimile
Paris, Bibliothèque national de France, ms. Latin nouv. acq.1688 (fol.1-10) - L-H.Labande. facsimile
Parma, Biblioteca palatina, ms. 1280 (HH.I.64) (fol.1r-105r).
Piacenza, Biblioteca comunale, ms.9 (fol.1r-103r).
St.Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, ms. 663 (pp.103-149 [n.a. pp.101-145,523]).
Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio, Monumenti e Collezioni provinciali, ms. 1360 (fol.70v-108v).
Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, ms. Vatic. Lat. 3715 (pp.5-47, 50-53) facsimile
Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, ms. Vatic. Lat. 3901 (fol. 122r-127r [n.a. 1-6]) facsimile
Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, ms. Chigi, Latin E.VII.235 (fol.72r-146r).
Venezia, Biblioteca Giustinian-Recanati Falck, ms. cl. VI cod. 12 (inv.865) (fol.1r-13r).

Alciatus, A., Index dignitatum civilium militariumque in oriente (Lyon, 1529-1530) pp. 108-120. (ref)
Fabricius, G., Romanarum dignitatum et administrationum tam civilium quam militarium in occidentis regionibus index, Hadriano imperante. (Basel, 1549-1550) pp. 46-73. (ref)
Schonhovius, A., Dignitates omnes, administrationesque tam civiles quam militares, quas Romani in provinciis orientis & occidentis habuere. (Basel, 1551) pp.3-9. (ref)

Printed copies to 1552

There exist several copies of the Cnd, referred to as editions, which were derived from the contents of several, but not all, of the copies listed above. The significant editions are those by:

Alciatus (Alciato, Alciati, Alzate), Andreas (Lyon, 1529-1530)
| ANDREAE | ALCIATI IVRIS-|CONSVLTI | De Quinque pedum praescriptione | Liber Vnus. | De Magistratibus, Ciuilibus'q(ue) & | Militaribus officijs Liber Vnus. | SEB. GRYPHIVS EXCVD. | LVGD. ANN. 1529. |On last page | SEBASTIANVS GRY|PHIVS GERMA|NVS EXCV|DEBAT | LV|GDVNI, | ANN. M.D.XXX. |
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek

Alciatus, Andreas (Basel, 1546)
| D. ANDREAE ALCIATI | Mediolanensis, Iureconsulti clariss. | lucubrationum in Ius ciuile | Tomus secundus | HABET AVTEM | [...] | De magistratibus lib.I (col.) 463 | Cui recens etiam accessit dignitatu(m) tam ciuilium quam militarium Imperij | Occidentalis Index, nunc primum per autorem Orientali adiectus.| [...] | BASILEAE, PER MICH. | ISINGRINIVM. | [...] On verso of page with cols. 534/535 there is printed | BASILEAE, APVD MICH. ISINGRINIVM, | ANNO A CHRISTO NATO, M.D. | XLVI. MENSE MARTIO. | This is the second volume of his Omnia opera. (4 vols.) (Basel, M. Isingrinius, 1546-1549)
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Fabricius, Georgius (Basel, 1549-1550)
| Antiquitatis mo|NVMENTA INSIGNIA, EX | aere, marmoribus, membranis'ue uete|ribus collecta, per | GEORGIVM FABRICIVM | CHEMNICENSEM. | Nunc etiam multis accessionibus auctiora edi|ta, cum Tumulis uetustis, carmine in|scriptis. Haec omnia distributa | in Lib. II | BASILEAE, PER IOAN|nem Oporinum.| with no date, but beginning with a dedicatory letter ending, p.4: Ex Misena, in ludo illustri, Anno Christi, M.D.XLIX. This is the second volume of: | GEORGII | FABRICII CHEMNI|CENSIS | ROMA. | EIVSDEM ITINERVM | Liber unus. | ANTIQVITATIS MONV|menta insignia per eundem collecta, & | magna accessione iam auctiora, edita. | Accessere locupletes rerum & uerborum in | his omnibus memorabilium | Indices. | BASILEAE, PER IO|annem Oporinum. with no date, but beginning with a dedicatory letter ending, p.11: Ex ludo illustri Misenae, Calend.Iulij. Anno Christi M.D.L.
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Schonhovius (Schonhoven, Schoonhoven, Sconhove), Antonius (Basel, 1551-1552)
| DIGNITATES OM|NES, ADMINISTRATIO|nes'q: tam ciuiles quàm milita|res, quas Romani in Prouin|cijs Orientis & Occidentis ha|buere, ex Antiquita|tis reliquijs. | Additus est & ipsarum Prouinciarum | Romanarum libellus, integrita|ti restitutus. | AVTORE ANTONIO | Schonhouio.| BASILEAE. | On the last page, which is un-numbered p.71: |BASILEAE, EX | officina Ioannis Oporini, Anno Sa|lutis humanae M.D.LII. | Mense Ianuario. |. The dedicatory letter on un-numbered p.2 ends: Brugis. 4. Nonas Iulij. 1551
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Froben, Hieronymus (Basel, 1552)
| NOTITIA VTRAQVE | CVM ORIENTIS TVM OCCIDENTIS | VLTRA ARCADII HONORIIQVE TEMPORA, | illustre uetustatis monumentum, imò thesaurus prorsum incomparabilis. | PRAEcedit aute(m) D. Andreae Alciati libellus, De magistratib. ciuilibusq(ue) ac | militaribus officijs, partim ex hac ipsa Notitia, partim aliunde desumptus.| CVI succedit descriptio urbis Romae, quae sub titulo Pub. Victoris circum|fertur: & altera urbis Constantinopolitanae incerto autore, nunqua(m) antehac | typis excusa, Imperialium uidelicet ac primariaru(m) sedium utriusq(ue) Reipub. | SVB iungitur Notitijs uetustus liber DE REBVS BELLICIS ad Theo|dosium Aug. & filios eius Arcadium atq(ue) Honorium, ut uidetur, scri|ptus, incerto autore. ITEM, ne quid de antiquo exemplari | omitteretur, Disputatio Adriani Aug. | & Epicteti philosophi. | FROBEN | BASILEAE, M D LII | Cum gratia & priuilegio Imp. Maiest. ad annos quinq(ue) |
Köln / Wien / München
(coloured pictures) Ghent / Wien / Schlatt
(ref) facsimile reprint by L. Borhy, 2003 (coloured pictures);

-This page was produced by - Dr Ingo G Maier (Australia) - and was last revised on - 12 Aug 2020 - - - - -

Comments welcome ingomaier(at)